Speaking ahead of a Welsh Conservative fringe meeting in Birmingham at the Welsh Conservative conference, Andrew RT Davies AM, Welsh Conservative Leader, said:
“Around the world, low tax economies are more competitive, more attractive to job creators and provide an inviting environment for business start-ups, all creating jobs and prosperity.
“The Conservative-led coalition has steered an economic revival in the UK because it has taken tough decisions to deal with the deficit and cut taxes for businesses and 25million hardworking people.
“The prospect of taxation levers being devolved to the Assembly could make Wales a business-friendly country where we value aspiration and nurture that entrepreneurial spirit.
“Welsh Conservatives are at the forefront of that tax-cutting agenda as the only party committed to cutting taxes for hardworking people.
“I am committed to abolishing business rates for all small businesses, scrapping stamp duty on house purchases up to £250,000 and cutting income tax, allowing families to keep more of their own money.
“For too long, the Welsh Government has been a spending agency with no accountability for its spending decisions.
“This Welsh Labour Government finds it very easy to spend other people’s money, but in future will need to take tough decisions about how that money is raised.
“Welsh Conservatives are unapologetically the party of low tax.”