Welsh Conservatives today led the field in the ballot on Member Bills, with 13 of the 28 bids for laws proposed by individual Assembly Members. This is more than twice as many as any other party.
Out of the 28 Assembly Members who took part, the Labour AM for Clwyd South won the ballot.
Andrew RT Davies AM, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the National Assembly, said, “I congratulate the Member for Clwyd South and look forward to scrutinising the proposals he is bringing forward.
“I am proud that the Welsh Conservatives are being pro-active in using the Assembly’s new powers by proposing half of the legislative bids in the ballot.
“I welcome the growing number of voluntary sector bodies, unions and other organisations which are beginning to engage positively with the legislative process.
“However, there is scope for wider public engagement in future ballots, to help bring forward proposals that have the backing of the people of Wales.”