In his Christmas message, the Leader of the Opposition in the Welsh Parliament, Paul Davies MS, is reminding people that Christmas is a time for hope, reflection and thanks.
Writing Paul Davies MS says:
“The message of Christmas is one of hope. After the experiences of this year, I know many of us will have a new understanding of what that word means.
“Hope that, whether in person or digitally, we can get together with family and friends to celebrate what should be a joyful time of year.
“Hope for a better future for our family and friends who have been affected by the pandemic, especially those who have suffered ill health or from the devastating economic impact that it has caused.
“Hope that we maintain our strengthened community spirit into the new year that has helped the most vulnerable in our communities throughout this year.”
Concluding Paul says that we owe “a debt of gratitude that can’t be repaid” to those who have worked hard to keep everyone safe this year:
“Christmas is also a time of thanks, for those who have cared for us, to those who have put us above themselves. I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all those in front line public services who have faced the challenges of the past year with courage, dedication and passion.
“Together our amazing NHS staff, care workers, Armed Forces personnel, council staff and the army of volunteers have been through more than any of us can imagine and we owe them a debt of gratitude that can’t be repaid.”
Paul Davies’ full Christmas message is below in English and Welsh:
The message of Christmas is one of hope.
After the experiences of this year, I know many of us will have a new understanding of what that word means.
Hope that, whether in person or digitally, we can get together with family and friends to celebrate what should be a joyful time of year.
Hope for a better future for our family and friends who have been affected by the pandemic, especially those who have suffered ill health or from the devastating economic impact that it has caused.
Hope that we maintain our strengthened community spirit into the new year that has helped the most vulnerable in our communities throughout this year.
For me Christmas is a time to see my family and to put politics to one side. I know many people use this time of year for reflection. This year many people will be reflecting on the loss of loved ones, having to adjust to a new way of being without them. My heart goes out to everyone this Christmas who are going through this suffering.
Christmas is also a time of thanks, for those who have cared for us, to those who have put us above themselves. I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all those in front line public services who have faced the challenges of the past year with courage, dedication and passion.
Together our amazing NHS staff, care workers, Armed Forces personnel, council staff and the army of volunteers have been through more than any of us can imagine and we owe them a debt of gratitude that can’t be repaid.
I hope that for many people Christmas can renew our hope and that together we can look forward to a more positive future.
Whatever Christmas holds for you and your families, I hope it is one where there can be joy, and I wish you all a very Happy Christmas. Nadolig Llawen i chi i gyd.
Neges o obaith yw neges y Nadolig.
Ar ôl profiadau eleni, gwn y bydd gan lawer ohonom ddealltwriaeth newydd o'r gair hwnnw.
Y gobaith o ddod at ein gilydd, boed yn bersonol neu'n ddigidol, gyda theulu a ffrindiau i ddathlu'r hyn a ddylai fod yn adeg llawen o'r flwyddyn.
Y gobaith am ddyfodol gwell i ffrindiau a pherthnasau sydd wedi'u taro cymaint gan y pandemig, yn enwedig y rhai sydd wedi dioddef salwch neu sgileffeithiau economaidd dybryd y pandemig.
Y gobaith y gallwn barhau â'r ysbryd cymunedol cryfach i'r flwyddyn newydd, a fu o gymorth i aelodau mwyaf bregus ein cymunedau eleni.
I mi, mae'r Nadolig yn gyfle i gwrdd ag aelodau'r teulu a rhoi gwleidyddiaeth o'r neilltu. Gwn fod llawer ohonoch yn defnyddio'r adeg hon o'r flwyddyn i gnoi cil ar bethau. Eleni bydd llawer ohonoch yn cofio am anwyliaid a gollwyd, ac yn gorfod addasu i ffordd newydd o fyw hebddyn nhw. Rwy'n cydymdeimlo'n fawr â phawb sy'n mynd drwy'r fath drallod y Nadolig hwn.
Mae'r Nadolig hefyd yn gyfle i ddiolch i'r rhai sydd wedi gofalu amdanom, ac wedi rhoi eraill o flaen nhw eu hunain. Diolch o galon i holl weithwyr ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus rheng flaen sydd wedi wynebu heriau'r flwyddyn ddiwethaf gyda dewrder, angerdd ac ymroddiad.
Gyda'i gilydd mae staff anhygoel y gwasanaeth iechyd, gweithwyr gofal, personél y lluoedd arfog, staff y cyngor a'r fyddin o wirfoddolwyr wedi bod drwy gymaint mwy nag y byddai'r rhan fwyaf ohonom yn gallu ei ddychmygu - mawr yw ein dyled iddynt.
Gobeithio y bydd cyfnod y Nadolig yn adfywio ein gobaith ac y gallwn, gyda'n gilydd, edrych ymlaen at ddyfodol mwy disglair.
Beth bynnag ddaw dros y Dolig, gobeithio y bydd yn un o obaith a llawenydd. Nadolig Llawen i chi i gyd.