In his message for the New Year, the Leader of the Opposition in the Welsh Parliament, Paul Davies MS, looks forward to the hope that will accompany 2021.
Writing Paul Davies MS says:
“As we embark on a new year, I know that many of us will be glad to see the conclusion of 2020 and look forward to the hope that will accompany 2021.
“Little did we know as we reached the 2020s that this past year would be so challenging for families everywhere, in dealing with the consequences of the pandemic. Many have faced the toughest of times encountering ill health and worse, and many have experienced job losses and the failure of their business.
“I am, however, optimistic that next year will be better.”
“I am confident that 2021 will be a different year, one where a programme of vaccines will tackle the virus head on, one where life will start to return to some sort of normality for all of us. I believe that it will bring hope and confidence to all of us.”
Concluding Paul writes about the forthcoming Welsh Parliament elections in May 20201, saying:
“Over the next few months, I am looking forward to setting out my Welsh Conservative platform as we approach the Welsh Parliamentary election in May. Although the last 12 months has rightly been about tackling the pandemic, I will be setting out our recovery plan for Wales, making clear our ambitious plans for the Welsh economy and public services, so that we can build back better and deliver a brighter future for Wales.”
Paul Davies’ full New Year message is below in English and Welsh:
As we embark on a new year, I know that many of us will be glad to see the conclusion of 2020 and look forward to the hope that will accompany 2021.
Little did we know as we reached the 2020s that this past year would be so challenging for families everywhere, in dealing with the consequences of the pandemic. Many have faced the toughest of times encountering ill health and worse, and many have experienced job losses and the failure of their business.
I am, however, optimistic that next year will be better. I am naturally optimistic and I see our role as politicians not just to lead and to listen but to inspire and give hope. I know that people expect politicians to step up in times of crisis, to show their strength and optimism even when things are tough.
At this time of the year I usually reflect on the good things I have seen, and in this year I have seen a lot which gives me pride and joy in how people have responded. From nurses, doctors, care home staff, teachers, social workers, council staff, community groups, Armed Forces personnel and inspirational individuals going above and beyond to keep us all safe.
We cannot thank you enough.
Whilst at times the picture has been bleak, I don’t want to lose sight of what people have done, what they have sacrificed, and what they have achieved. This last year has shown immense human spirit, fortitude, and kindness.
I am confident that 2021 will be a different year, one where a programme of vaccines will tackle the virus head on, one where life will start to return to some sort of normality for all of us. I believe that it will bring hope and confidence to all of us.
Over the next few months, I am looking forward to setting out my Welsh Conservative platform as we approach the Welsh Parliamentary election in May. Although the last 12 months has rightly been about tackling the pandemic, I will be setting out our recovery plan for Wales, making clear our ambitious plans for the Welsh economy and public services, so that we can build back better and deliver a brighter future for Wales.
As we head into 2021, I wanted to wish everyone throughout Wales, on behalf of the Welsh Conservatives, a very Happy New Year!
A ninnau ar drothwy blwyddyn arall, mae'n sicr y bydd llawer yn falch o gefnu ar 2020, ac yn edrych ymlaen at obaith newydd 2021.
Ychydig a wyddem ar ddechrau 2020, y byddai'r flwyddyn ddiwethaf mor heriol i deuluoedd ym mhob cwr, wrth orfod delio â goblygiadau'r pandemig. Aeth llawer drwy gyfnodau eithriadol, gyda salwch neu waeth, ac mae sawl un wedi colli swydd neu weld eu busnes yn mynd i’r wal.
Er hynny, rwy'n obeithiol y bydd pethau'n well y flwyddyn nesaf. Rwy'n naturiol optimistaidd ac yn ystyried ein rôl fel gwleidyddion nid yn unig i arwain a gwrando, ond i ysbrydoli a chynnig gobaith hefyd. Gwn fod pobl yn disgwyl i wleidyddion weithio’n galetach mewn cyfnod o argyfwng, i ddangos eu cryfder a'u gobaith hyd yn oed pan fo pethau’n ddu.
Yr adeg hon o'r flwyddyn, rydw i fel arfer yn myfyrio ar y daioni a welais. Eleni rydw i wedi gweld llawer o bethau sy'n destun balchder a llawenydd i mi o safbwynt sut mae pobl wedi ymateb. Nyrsys, meddygon, staff cartrefi gofal, athrawon, gweithwyr cymdeithasol, staff y cyngor, grwpiau cymunedol, personél y lluoedd arfog ac unigolion ysbrydoledig sy'n mynd yr ail filltir i'n diogelu ni i gyd.
Diolch o galon i bob un ohonoch.
Er gwaetha’r darlun digon llwm, dydw i ddim wedi colli golwg ar yr hyn mae pobl wedi'i wneud, ei aberthu a'i gyflawni. Y llynedd, gwelsom ysbryd, dycnwch a charedigrwydd y natur ddynol ar ei orau.
Rwy'n hyderus y bydd 2021 yn flwyddyn wahanol, gyda rhaglen frechu yn mynd i'r afael â'r feirws yn uniongyrchol a bywyd yn dechrau dychwelyd i ryw fath o normalrwydd i bob un ohonom. Credaf y daw â gobaith a hyder i bob un ohonom.
Dros y misoedd nesaf, rwy'n edrych ymlaen at osod fy llwyfan Ceidwadwyr Cymreig wrth i ni nesáu at etholiad Senedd Cymru ym mis Mai. Tra mai taclo'r pandemig oedd prif ganolbwynt y 12 mis diwethaf, byddaf yn cyflwyno ein cynllun adfer ar gyfer y genedl, gan egluro ein cynlluniau uchelgeisiol ar gyfer economi a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus Cymru, fel y gallwn ailgodi’n well a sicrhau dyfodol mwy disglair i Gymru.
Wrth i ni gamu ymlaen i 2021, hoffwn ddymuno Blwyddyn Newydd Dda iawn i bawb ledled Cymru, ar ran y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig!