Ahead of the Senedd elections in May 2024, the Welsh Conservatives have been developing policy proposals that will change the lives of Welsh people and communities after 25 years of Labour running Wales.
Under successive Labour Welsh Governments since 1999, Wales has the:
- Longest NHS waiting lists in the UK
- Lowest educational results out of the UK in international rankings
- Worst house building rate with barely half the number of homes needed being built
- Only ban on new road building in the UK
- Highest unemployment rate and the most people not working at all in Britain.
The people of Wales are calling out for change.
We’ve been launching new policies over the last three years such as our plans to:
We are keen to hear from everyone on what they would like to see in our manifesto.
Complete our survey below and let us know what your idea would be to help change Wales.
If you’re an organisation, please feel free to email over your manifesto proposals to [email protected].