This month marked 6 months of the new UK Labour Government, and what a disastrous six months it has been for the people of Wales.
Despite Labour promising Governments at both ends of the M4 working together for the people of Wales, we have seen the complete opposite.
Farmers have been hit with a new inheritance tax, pensioners have had their winter fuel allowance taken off them, while Welsh employer’s national insurance costs have increased.
The Welsh Labour Government could’ve made urgent representations to the UK Labour Government to reverse these decisions, they failed to do so.
The Welsh Labour Government could’ve introduced a Welsh winter fuel allowance, they failed to do so.
In the Senedd today, the Welsh Conservatives are bringing forward a debate to mark this disastrous six months of a UK Labour Government, but also call on the Welsh Labour Government to finally stand up for the people of Wales, make these representations to the UK Government, and if needed, introduce a Welsh winter fuel allowance.
Commenting ahead of the debate, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Darren Millar MS, said:
“Six months of a UK Labour Government has been disastrous for the people of Wales, with manifesto commitments scrapped at every turn.
“The Welsh Labour Government could’ve stood up and demanded that the new family farm tax, the scrapping of winter fuel payments, and the rise in employer’s national insurance contributions were scrapped, but they didn’t.
“It’s clear more than ever that only the Welsh Conservatives have a common sense plan to fix Wales, and deliver for the people of Wales.”
The motion which will be debated today reads:
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes that January 2025 marked 6 months of the UK Labour Government being in power.
2. Regrets that the UK Labour Government has:
a) hit Welsh farmers with a new inheritance tax;
b) removed the winter fuel allowance away from half a million Welsh pensioners; and
c) increased Welsh employer’s national insurance costs.
3. Further regrets that the Welsh Government has failed to stand up for Wales during this period.
4. Calls on the Welsh Government to:
a) make urgent representations to the UK Government to reverse their inheritance tax, winter fuel allowance removal, and the increase
to employer’s national insurance costs; and
b) introduce a Welsh winter fuel allowance if the cut in the winter fuel allowance remains in place.