Janet Finch-Saunders AM today (April 29) grilled the Minister for Health and Social Care during the virtual Plenary session over the £40 million allocated to the adult social care sector.
The Shadow Minister said that some care homes have lost as many as 60 percent of their residents, with some experiencing bed occupancy levels as low as 20 percent. She added that, typically, a care home must have 90-percent occupancy to remain viable, with anything less than 85 percent being unsustainable.
Mrs Finch-Saunders said:
“Some care homes are resorting to launching online appeals, using up reserves, and others are contemplating closure. Just last week, Care Forum Wales warned that half of the some 650 care homes in Wales could close.
“This cannot be allowed to happen. Care homes in Wales are a vital element of the health system at all times, easing strain on councils and the NHS, and helping ease bed-blocking.
“In a recent Written Statement on the £40m financial assistance for adult social care, the Minister stated that there was a potential to make further allocations – depending on what path the outbreak takes.
“The Welsh Government must – now more than ever – make clear what further financial approaches it will take, because to allow these care homes to close could cause untold damage to the health and social care systems in Wales."